
In December 2019, a new coronavirus named COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan, China. The COVID-19 epidemic is spreading rapidly all over the world. The current global pandemic COVID-19 has put together the minds and efforts of two entrepreneurs from ELIDAN AMERICA LLC with a dedication to fight and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne pathogens by analyzing, inspecting and certifying enclosed areas (public and private) against the spread of such pathogens while gathering funds to develop a novel vaccine against to SARS- COVID-2 with double antiviral action, preventive and therapeutic, as well as other candidate vaccines for humans and animals.

Our Advantage

  • Scientific analysis and determination of the maximum number of individuals in an enclosed area
  • Operate your venue up to the maximum safe capacity of customers
  • Let your customers know they are safe inside your venue
  • Let the authorities know your venue is safe and your customers are safe inside up to the certified number of occupants
  • Enforce Social Distance to a scientific certified level
  • Contribute to the development of our candidate vaccine SARS-Covid-2


service 1

Enclosed Space Certifications for Humans: Request Certification

  • Certify the maximum number of individuals that can be at the same time in an enclose area, safely, in order to mitigate the propagation of COVID-19 and other pathogens.
service 2

Enclosed space certifications for animals:  Request Certification

  • Certify the maximum number of animals that can be at the same time in an enclose area, safely, in order to mitigate the propagation of pathogens.
service 3

Enclose space certifications for plants: Request Certification

  • Certify the maximum number of inhabitant plants that can be at the same time in an enclose area, safely, in order to mitigate the propagation of pathogens.

Our Guarantee 

guarantee qrc

The new coronavirus, were classified as “pneumonia of unknown etiology.” The question then became: are future epidemic risks amenable to forecast from identifiable triggers? Of immediate concern was the integrated research on closed spaces; where they in fact favorable or not to virus transmission subject to certification?

We are currently opening diverse research in viral Medical Geology studies, as a new discipline. At present, there appears to be an emergent need for society to be educated on both existing in a world with Covid-19, while simultaneously learning how to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

It is certainly important, yet has become insufficient, to impose physical distancing among people, isolation of patients, coughing “vampire” style into your elbow or continuing the usage of hand disinfectants and hand washing. The goal of this most recent work is to prepare a safety certificate for closed spaces which allows us to mandate the minimum number of people who may be present (altogether) with the minimum risk in values of viral transmission.

It analyzes four key parameters in the propagation of Covid-19. The Viral Transmission in selected enclosed spaces was calculated according to the mathematical algorithm proposed by Prof. Dr. Luis CRUZ RODRIGUEZ. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a true global public health crisis as well as a devastating financial recession, affecting the entire world. Our guarantee, we are proposing a certification entitled: “Elidan Certificate”, depicting prolonged safety within enclosed areas, such as inside of buildings or relating to various modes of transportation, suggesting a safe number of people who may occupy those particular places.

Why Us?

We are pioneers in scientific analysis and determination of the maximum number of individuals in an enclosed area and the design of preventive and therapeutic vaccines in silico which are aimed to protect against viral infections and cancer-related diseases.

Our partner Prof. Luis CRUZ-RODRIGUEZ does research in virology and Hereditary Cancer Diseases. Our most recent publication “A miRNA-Peptide fusion as a vaccine candidate against the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)” is a key in RNA-peptide as antiviral mechanisms (CRUZ-RODRIGUEZ L., Dilsiz N. et al., 2020).


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Affiliates and Collaborators

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